
Thursday, April 3, 2014

E asttle writing

Do you have a best friend?
While I do. A good friend to me means a person who makes you feel important. Also they are supportive when you need them. Your good friend can be from school,community and other places.

Your good friend can be  the person you were brought up with or from a different  nation.Your good friend is the one that you hangout with most days. They also can make your feel happy. When you are in a bad time of your life. A good friend  can help you  when you're in a complicated situation.

Everyone has a good friend in this world and if you don't look around you and you will see your good friend. A good friend is someone who cares for everyone not just the people they like. Also when they go out into the community and helps people for example  helping the disabled, help the elderly cross the road not just barging past them and ignoring that person.

Some good friends give back to the community. Also they things to pupils of  the community. Knowing that they won't give back. Not giving and wanting something in return.

I have lots of  good friends around me. They support me and help me like I would to my best and good friends.

When your angry your good friend makes you happy. Can be anyone. It could be Jesus it could be someone that lives far away from you. But you will always know who your good friend is.

Writing elements
Writing result
My goal

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